Class of 2027
Welcome to the Class of 2027 website! We will use this site to share resources and keep you up-to-date with information from now until graduation.
Communication Through
One of the primary ways we communicate with students is through Parents and students can sign up to receive messages by following the instructions below. We do not see your phone number or email address and the messages will be regarding important school announcements, activities, and college and career information.
Simply send a text to 81010 with the following code based on the first letter of your last name
Last Name | Code |
A-B | @lacueva27a |
C-F | @lacueva27b |
G-K | @lacueva27c |
L-O | @lacueva27d |
P-S | @lacueva27e |
T-Z | @lacueva27f |
College Checklists
If you are looking for a checklist to see what you can be doing until graduation, take a look at these sites.
Researching Colleges
The College Board's BigFuture website is a great way to start your college search.
College Research Worksheet
Below is a link for a generic College Research Worksheet. I encourage you to make a copy of it and change it to make it your own. For instance, you can add a section or delete a question to list what is important to you. It is often hard to remember what each college offers when you are researching and it helps to write it down as you go.
We recommend that students plan to take their ACT or SAT in the spring of their junior year. All schools across the nation accept either the ACT or SAT so it is your choice which one you want to take. You will need to sign up on your own. If you are on Free or Reduced Price Lunch you can get a fee waiver from the Counseling Office.
- Link your PSAT scores to the Khan Academy
- Khan Academy & SAT Prep Program
- SAT Practice Tests
- SAT Registration Site
- ACT Registration Site
- ACT Test Prep and Practice Tests
- ACT Academy - Test Prep
- ACT Kaplan Test Prep
NM College Guide
The link below will take you to an NM College Guide. It gives details for all of our NM colleges including costs, admissions information, and fast facts.
Career Information
Below are some links you might find helpful if you are interested in exploring careers, looking for a job or creating a resume.
Tip: If you go to Google Docs and click on Template Gallery at the top of the page, you can click on the General tab and scroll down to Resume. These are templates that make it a lot easier to get started with a new Resume.
- NM Career Solutions - information on Career Exploration, internships, jobs and more
- Apprenticeship Information
Scholarship Search Sites
APS Scholarship List
UNM’s General Scholarship Resource (general list, don’t have to be going to UNM)
NMSU's General Scholarship List (general list, don't have to be going to NMSU)
NCAA Information
If you think you want to play a sport in college, it is your responsibility to make sure you are going to meet the eligibility criteria.
You must:
Make sure you are familiar with the NCAA Requirements
Let your counselor know so they can advise you as to the appropriate courses needed for eligibility
Visit the following links for more information and FAQs
- Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete