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Class of 2025

Class of 2025


Welcome to the Class of 2025 website! We will us this site to share resources and keep you up-to-date with information from now until graduation.


Upcoming Dates & Scholarship List

This link is a live Google Sheet that will be updated throughout the school year. Check back often for new scholarships and important dates. 

2024-25 Upcoming Dates & Scholarships

Senior Meeting Resources

Here are the slides and handout from the Senior Meeting and Senior Parent Meeting held on 8/26/24

Senior Meeting Slides
Senior Parent Meeting Slides
Senior Information Handout

Upcoming Events

9/13 at Lunch - Loyola Marymount University Visit at Lunch in Concourse
9/15 at 5:00pm - Exploring College Option Event at La Cueva - Representatives from Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University will be here to present to students and families - Sign Up Here
9/18 at Lunch - St. Edward's University Visit
9/19 at 9:00am - Purdue University Visit - Sign Up Here
9/20 - NMCAC College Fair During the School Day - 9:40 - 11:00
We will have 30 regional college representatives on campus to talk to all Juniors and Seniors. Juniors will be called out of class at 9:40 - 10:15 and then Seniors will be called out from 10:20 - 11:00
9/20 at Lunch - University of Northern Colorado and Colorado State University Visit
9/23 at 12:45pm - Washington University in St Louis Visit - Sign Up Here
9/23 at Lunch - University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Chapman University, Occidental College and Colorado College Visit at Lunch in Concourse
9/24 at Lunch - NYU and Wesleyan University in the Concourse
9/25 at 3:00pm - Tulane University Visit - Sign Up Here
9/30 at Lunch- Bard College- Berlin
10/16 at Lunch - Western New Mexico University Visit at Lunch in Concourse
10/21 at Lunch- Eastern New Mexico University Visit at Lunch in Concourse
10/23 at 11:30am - University of Colorado Boulder Visit - Sign Up Here



Senior Yearbook Pictures

All Seniors must be photographed by Campos Photography during one of their sessions to be in the yearbook. Sessions include Yearbook Photo and Cap & Gown Photo (Cap & Gown will be provided). 


  • Monday, October 28th 9:00 - 12:00pm


  • La Cueva HS (in the GYM behind the bleachers- please enter through the front of the school)


  • You MUST sign up for a time online by going to and click on the Schedule Photos tab and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please call their office at 505-293-4969. 

There is a dress code for the yearbook photo: either a black formal blouse or a white collared shirt with a black jacket and black tie. Please see the attached flyer for more details. 

Senior Yearbook Pictures

Scholarship Search Sites

APS Scholarship List
UNM’s General Scholarship Resource (general list, don’t have to be going to UNM)
NMSU's General Scholarship List (general list, don't have to be going to NMSU)

Communication Through

One of the primary ways we communicate with students is through Parents and students can sign up to receive messages by following the instructions below. We do not see your phone number or email address and the messages will be regarding important school announcements, activities, and college and career information.

Simply send a text to 81010 with the following code based on the first letter of your last name

Last Name Code
A-B @lacueva25a
C-F @lacueva25b
G-K @lacueva25c
L-O @lacueva25d
P-S @lacueva25e
T-Z @lacueva25f

Parking Lottery

Parking Lottery - if you have questions about this please reach out to

There are 99 spots available in the front "tennis court/softball lot" for current La Cueva Class of 2025 students. These spots are the reserved/painted parking spots.  Because these spots are in demand, we will be holding a lottery drawing to decide who gets a reserved/painted spot - as well as the spot number.The entry form (see link below) will remain open until June 28th at 4:00pm.

Those selected via lottery draw will be notified by July 3rd of their spot number and will have until July 17th to accept their spot which includes paying a $40 fee for the spot and submitting their design for approval (see below for requirements). The students selected will be given instructions on how to do this on July 3rd.
If you are not selected in the reserved/painted parking spot lottery, there will be a separate lottery for the other general parking spaces. 

Pre-approval for design
All students who are selected to purchase/paint a spot must get the design they intend to paint approved by Administration. A separate Google Form for design submission will be sent to those chosen in the lottery.

All designs must be school appropriate and meet the following criteria:
1. No drugs, alcohol, or violence may be displayed
2. Appropriate language must be used
3. No derogatory language towards our school or any other

Friday, July 26th 7:00pm-9:00pm Base Color
Saturday, July 27th 7:00am-11:00am Design (it is suggested to start right at 7:00am to finish by 11:00am- it will take longer than you think, and it will be hot. All reserved spots must be painted - even if it is just a blank base coat. 

Suggested Supplies (not provided by La Cueva):
Base Coat =  1 gallon Color Paint; paint tray; Rollers WITH long roller sticks; Broom; Painters Tape, Trash Bag.
Design = Color(s) paint;  stencils; ruler or meter stick; paint brushes/rollers/paint tray; Painters Tape, Trash Bag,
The only paint that will be permitted is household interior or exterior paint. SPRAY PAINT IS NOT ALLOWED

Enter Here for the Senior Reserved/Painted Parking Spot Lottery
If you have questions about this please reach out to

If you are selected in the lottery, payment will be made via Schoolpay link. The cost will be $40 and must be paid by July 17th. If you have any questions about the parking process, please contact Mrs. Larson at

Get Ready To Apply Presentation

Below are the slides from the Get Ready to Apply presentation held in February 2024.

College Checklists

If you are looking for a checklist to see what you can be doing from now until graduation, take a look at these sites.

Researching Colleges

The College Board's BigFuture website is a great way to start your college search.

College Research Worksheet

Below is a link for a generic College Research Worksheet. I encourage you to make a copy of it and change it to make it your own. For instance, you can add a section or delete a question to list what is important to you. It is often hard to remember what each college offers when you are researching and it helps to write it down as you go.


We recommend that students plan to take their ACT or SAT in the spring of their junior year. All schools across the nation accept either the ACT or SAT so it is your choice which one you want to take. You will need to sign up on your own. If you are on Free or Reduced Price Lunch you can get a fee waiver from the Counseling Office.

NM College Guide

The link below will take you to a NM College Guide. It gives details for all of our NM colleges including costs, admissions information and fast facts.

College and University Guide

Career Information

Below are some links you might find helpful if you are interested in exploring careers, looking for a job or creating a resume.

Tip: If you go to Google Docs and click on Template Gallery at the top of the page, you can click on the General tab and scroll down to Resume. These are templates that make it a lot easier to get started with a new Resume.

NCAA Information

If you think you want to play a sport in college, it is your responsibility to make sure you are going to meet the eligibility criteria.

You must:

  • Make sure you are familiar with the NCAA Requirements

  • Let your counselor know so they can advise you as to the appropriate courses needed for eligibility

  • Visit the following links for more information and FAQs

  • Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete