Clubs & Activities
Starting A Club
If you are interested in starting a NEW LCHS Club/Activity here are the requirements:
- Must have a La Cueva staff member as the advisor
- Must have 10 founding members
- Must fill out the Registration Form
- Must submit a Constitution (bi-laws, rules, etc.) to your sponsor and Activities Director, Catherine Casaus.
- All paperwork and school approval must be completed by the end of the first 9 weeks.
- Earning Regalia -
As of 2023-2024, there are two different categories of clubs... INTEREST and SERVICE. For members of a club to be able to "letter" or earn a Senior Honor Cord, they must be in a SERVICE club. To be considered a SERVICE club, the club must complete at least two service projects per semester - with at least one being out in the community (the others can be internal to La Cueva High School). The service project guidelines must be listed in the club's constitution along with the club's other requirements for lettering and/or earning a Senior Honor Cord.
To earn a Senior Honor Cord for graduation, the senior must have a minimum of two years of participation in the club.